The Vocal Coach Performers Turn To For Results
Discover your voice with Los Angeles vocal coach Bruce Eckstut and his ground breaking Primal Sound Voice Method.™ Bruce Eckstut is considered by many to be one of the best and most respected voice coaches in the country. Over the past 35 years, he has had the privilege of teaching some of the greatest artists of our time including many Oscar, Emmy, and Tony Award winning actors and singers. In the practical world of show business, Bruce Eckstut is the vocal coach Hollywood professionals turn to for results.

"Bruce Eckstut teaches with knowledge and precision that is second to none. His work is a gift to anyone with a desire to develop their voice.”
Austin Butler, Actor

“Bruce is a truly gifted, inspired and inspiring teacher. He not only patiently teaches with great detail the techniques of singing, but gives you the support and safe place one needs to learn and grow and eventually take flight.”
Sally Field, Actor
“Bruce Eckstut knows more about vocal production and vocal health than anyone else out there. After singing professionally for 25 years, he introduced me to my voice and its potential as if I had spent my life as a mute. My range, strength and artistry have increased immeasurably. But he is not only a voice coach – he is also a voice healer. I was performing 8 shows a week when a virus temporarily paralyzed one of my vocal chords. I thought I would have to quit the show. Because of Bruce’s extraordinary knowledge and coaching, I never missed a single performance and my cord is healthy and strong. Bruce is nothing short of amazing. As long as there is voice in my body, that voice will be in his wonderful hands.”
Jason Alexander, Actor
“Bruce’s approach is kind and supportive and at the same time specific and almost miraculous in pinpointing vocal problems. He has taught me a great deal and “saved” me more than once during a last minute singing engagement and two very demanding stage roles.”
Jean Smart, Actor
"Bruce helped me re-imagine my entire concept of vocal delivery. His techniques have helped me undo unhelpful habits decades in the making and put me on a pathway of maximizing my vocal potential."
Levar Burton, Actor
“Bruce Eckstut is by far the best voice coach I have ever worked with. If you are an actor who wants to improve your voice or a singer who longs to reach your full vocal potential, I can think of no one better to recommend to you. I cannot tell you how amazing it has been to hear my own voice transform through my work with Bruce. His unique approach is truly remarkable.”
Larry Moss, Director • Acting Coach
“From a voice that was virtually destroyed by another singing coach, Bruce came into my life and began to bring my voice back to where I could use it again. Under his expert guidance, with patience and hard work, he helped me to perform once more doing what I truly love. He has my undying gratitude.”
Janis Paige, Actor