Young Singers

Young singers at voice lesson with vocal coach Bruce Eckstut

A voice coach for young singers must take special care to help them reach their full potential.

The history of damage done to young singers in Broadway shows is notorious. High school productions of Broadway musicals have also left a trail of strained and abused talent.  Too often young singers are urged to imitate the Broadway professionals, many of whom have trouble maintaining vocal health themselves.  There is no better way to ruin a promising career than with training that is too arduous.

Singing should be fun. It should be a happy experience of discovering different parts of the voice.  With careful guidance, a young voice can be encouraged to grow naturally with healthy vocal habits so that it can blossom to its fullest potential.

"It is rare to encounter a true musician imbued with the gift of teaching.  It is even more rare to encounter a gifted voice coach for young singers.

In Bruce Eckstut one discovers it all: a musician singer, an empathic soul and glorious teacher.

The development of any young artist is a serious matter, but the development of  a young singer requires special attention. In Bruce’s studio young singers focus on healthy vocal habits, development of potential, stage presence and more, all under gentle supportive guidance which makes the process fully creative.

With Bruce as a voice coach, a young singer prepares not only for a long and rich singing life but for a life of confidence in the public arena.

Bruce makes magic music and music magical. I have seen it and heard it with my own eyes and ears.  Stepping inside of Bruce Eckstut's studio opens unparalleled possibilities."

--Rachael Worby, Conductor